Sunday 20 May 2012

Digital 3d Environment Textures

Bridge Textures
Textures used on the rock bridge. I wanted to give the bridge an ancient look
with rocky textures.

Chinese Gate Textures
Wooden textures for Chinese gate. Weathered wood was used for the sides
of the Chinese gate and roof.

Monastery Gong Textures
Cymbal and wood texture for the monastery gong, the rope texture is used
for the rope holding the gong.

Columns Textures
Wooden and rock textures for the columns, and decoration texture for
between the columns.

Monastery Textures
Different varieties of textures were used for the monastery. Mainly
wooden textures for the beams and doors, stone textures for the walls
and monastery yard.

Monastery Textures 2
Combination of rock, wood, and decoration textures for some buildings of the

Monastery Gate Texture
Monastery main gate of a wooden door texture to
make it look ancient.

Monastery Wall Texture
This texture is a combination of few textures, concrete, decoration and lizard
scales. The lizard scales make it look like a dragon scale texture along the wall
for more Chinese look, and the other textures are for decoration.

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