Wednesday 30 May 2012

Level Review

The overall level design is what I wanted to achieve which is a monastery in the high mountains of China where the player walks on a path and gets to the monastery. I wanted to add a lot of detail to create the high mountain atmosphere.
Looking at the level blueprint, the final leve has alot more assets and special effects. In the original blueprint the level is very basic, only a monastery and a Buddha statue with some trees. Then I decided to add the monastery towers int the distance, the rock arc and the volumetric clouds which gives the level a better look.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Level Drawings

Game Level Ideas
Here are some level ideas. A top view of what the level might look like, and few drawings of a monastery tower. The level is set in the high mountains featuring a monastery and other Chinese architecture.
Game Level Building Ideas
Chinese gate ideas to go in the level
Monastery Columns
Columns ideas. Researching different Chinese columns,
and here are some drawing of columns to place in the monastery.

Monastery Top View
Top view of the monastery and what it will look like.
Monastery Yard
A concept of the monastery yard. Columns on the side, cobblestone yard with grass,
and the main praying hall for the monks.

Monastery concept. Main gate for the monastery with walls, and only the roofs can be seen.

Game Assets

Rock Bridge
Chinese arc bridge that I modeled based on Chinese architecture. The bridge
is usually made of wood, but I decided to make it from rocks, it gives it more
of an ancient look.

Chinese Monastery Gong
Every monastery should have a gong. I wanted my monastery to have a gong
to add more detail and decoration to the level.
Monastery Columns
Columns base don the research feature rock base and wooden beam with a
wooden or rock top. These columns are in the monastery.

Chinese Gate
I researched a lot of different Chinese gates and none of them were the same.
I wanted the model to look ancient, with old wood texture, and the symbol
on the gate is the symbol for wind element.

Monastery Gate
This is the front gate of the monastery.  It is similar in design to the Chinese
gate, but it is the main entrance of the monastery.

Monastery Tower
This monastery tower is based on a Chinese pagoda design. There are entrances
on either side of the tower. I wanted to make it look new and ancient in the same
time with the wooden and marble textures.  This tower can be seen next to the
monastery in the level.

Chinese Monastery
Monastery design is based on Chinese architecture. I wanted to give the
monastery an ancient look as if only monks live there and is high in the

Rope Bridge
Basic model of a rope bridge.

Level Screenshots

Top View of the Level.
Level start, mountains with fog and volumetric clouds in the distance.

Rock bridge.
Rock arc with steps.
View from arc of the monastery towers.
Small lake.
Rope bridge leading to monastery, Buddha statue in the distance.
Chinese gate, monastery in the distance.
Monastery view.
Monastery towers.
Front of monastery.
Entering monastery.
Monastery yard.

Monastery gong.

Digital 3d Environment Textures

Bridge Textures
Textures used on the rock bridge. I wanted to give the bridge an ancient look
with rocky textures.

Chinese Gate Textures
Wooden textures for Chinese gate. Weathered wood was used for the sides
of the Chinese gate and roof.

Monastery Gong Textures
Cymbal and wood texture for the monastery gong, the rope texture is used
for the rope holding the gong.

Columns Textures
Wooden and rock textures for the columns, and decoration texture for
between the columns.

Monastery Textures
Different varieties of textures were used for the monastery. Mainly
wooden textures for the beams and doors, stone textures for the walls
and monastery yard.

Monastery Textures 2
Combination of rock, wood, and decoration textures for some buildings of the

Monastery Gate Texture
Monastery main gate of a wooden door texture to
make it look ancient.

Monastery Wall Texture
This texture is a combination of few textures, concrete, decoration and lizard
scales. The lizard scales make it look like a dragon scale texture along the wall
for more Chinese look, and the other textures are for decoration.

Sunday 11 March 2012 - Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Game Level Design

1. Building on the original concept you developed in Chapter 2, create a
blueprint for your level. Make sure you begin with a series of rough sketches
until your blueprint begins to take shape.

2. Create at least three gameplay mechanics for your level. How do these
objectives relate to your original story idea?

Exploring the Environment

The game environment is an open environment where the player can explore the high mountains of China with small villages and other monasteries and collect items during the game play.

Item Collection

Items are scattered throughout the environment. Players collect power-ups for their character and the non-playable characters.


Each level has different objectives, collect power-ups for character, or find the secret key to unlock a mountain path, or find the monastery artefact and return it to the monastery.

3. Come up with five level objectives that correspond to your gameplay
mechanics. How will you identify these objectives in your level blueprint?

Level objectives are different in each level. The main level objectives are to find the artefact and return to the monastery, unlock the mountain path to get to one of the monasteries, find the power-up for your player to be able to jump higher in the high mountains and float on water, free the villagers form the evil lord.

Sunday 4 March 2012 - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Conceptualization spawning your imagination

1. Using some of the techniques discussed in this chapter, begin developing a concept for
an original game idea. Discuss the central theme of your idea, and the methods you used
to bring your idea into existence.

Game Ideas:

Rooftops. The setting is in the year 3040. High buildings reaching the higher atmosphere of Earth, everything below is the city, smog and haze, where the lower society people live, dirty environment for rebels and other cultures.

Rooftop environments, building tops, high altitude environments, futuristic cities.

Metal, wood, plastic, old textures, rocks, wall textures, painted buildings, corrugated rooftops, rooftops from old buildings.

Alleyway. You are detective trying to solve a crime in the backstreets of a large city full of alleyways. Different environments and cultures. The environments are the abandoned buildings covered in vegetation, the night clubs with neon signs, china town and underground.

Alleyways, front entrance of nightclubs, neon signs, rubbish bins, old pipes, walkways.

Concrete and brick walls, wooden textures, gravel and stone streets, sidewalks, markets.

2. Create a backstory, environment, and three character descriptions associated with your original game idea. How are these elements integrated and linked through a central theme?

Set in 12th century China. Five monasteries in the highest mountains of China protected by a different element - metal, water, wood, fire and soil. That element is the ancient artefact and protector of each monastery. Each of these artefacts brought together create the ultimate and powerful artefact that can control the elements. The evil lord has stolen four of the artefacts and on a mission to steal the fifth artefact, has destroyed many monasteries and villages protecting the artefacts.
 A monk from one of those villages with the help of a ninja assassin girl and another monk are on a mission to help recover the stolen artefacts from the evil lord and save the monasteries. The main character possesses the power of levitation.  The ninja assassin has the power of invisibility and the other monk has the power of super strength.

3. Document your concept with reference material and original sketches. How did you capture your reference images? Create thumbnails and silhouettes. Compile these images into an art “bible” to help guide your vision.

Research images are of Chinese mountain environments, architecture, monasteries, gates and bridges. Most images are from Google and few are from games.